2) WECHAT Please check this WeChat account of Beatship by Zouk. WeChat ID: beatshipbyzouk . They target young people (18-35 ) primarily form Guangzhou – inviting them to join a 2 night party cruise form Nansha to HK and back to Nansha. Target of the Wechat account is to grow followers (database of potential clients) and support sales. TASK: - What’s your feedback on the account and articles? What suggestions do you have to improve the account, articles, and topics? - At times the account publishes information not directly linked with party ads/sales, but rather ”soft content”, like the article about “the best bars in Guangzhou” or “how to spend a day in Hong Kong”. Please come up with your soft content topic and write the Wechat article that you think would serve the purpose. - Please come up with 1 campaign idea. (Target to grow followers from Guangzhou) Please suggest format, gift, and explain the campaign flow/process.
2A Suggestions
The information is not enough and well-organized to have interaction and attract people to join their program. I personally felt bored with the things they wrote. Why do I have to choose this cruise trip instead of trips that operated by other companies? What is the uniqueness of this trip? When I looked at the account, there is no a brief introduction for the cruise (only a post of that). It is hard to find that introduction when more new posts will be published. When I looked at the articles like “Korean hip hop will launch the cruise”, it is trying to encourage people to try out the cruise, but what I think is that they should introduce the actresses and the event mainly than putting other general information and services of the cruise. From my perspective, the event article should only include the event. Andit would be more organized if the company wants to show the special food on the ship, a new post should be published instead. I think topics are ok, but they can be more interesting.
2B Soft content
香港另类一日游~ 香港世界自然遗产!!!! 香港有个世界自然遗产,你知道吗? 很多人都知道香港是购物天堂和高厦林立,但这些景点去得多难免有点乏味。香港地质公园的景区就可能适合你!! 大家应该有所不知,香港40%的面积是郊野公园或自然保护区啊!在这人口密集城市里,,从市区到郊区不用一小时啊! ,试问在世界各地的大城市是是非常少见的!
香港拥有很多郊野公园,而香港地质公园拥有八大景区,分别是、印洲塘景区,、瓮缸群岛景区、赤门景区、果洲群鸟景区、 赤州-黄竹角景区、桥咀洲和东平洲景区。
现诚意推介不能错过地质公园的以下景区!!!! 在粮船湾景区,拥有着举世罕见的酸性火山岩多角节理岩柱!!!而且大水坝的景色也十分迷人!

1. 可于火山探知馆报名参加 全新「万宜旅程」观光巴士地质导赏团,设「来回程」及「半程」服务,详情可向火山探知馆查询(电话:2394-1538);或
2. 乘坐西贡市中心开出的94号巴士或钻石山港铁站的96R巴士(仅在周末及公共假期行驶),经过北潭涌后下车。沿大网仔路前行至岔路口,靠右沿西贡万宜路继续步行约9公里;或
3. 可于西贡市中心或北潭涌乘坐计程车前往,即可到达 万宜地质步道。

印洲塘波平如镜,即使打风时亦不会有很大的风浪,是天然的避风塘。这亦是印洲塘英文叫做Double Haven的原因,意即「双重避风塘」!
前往荔枝窝的渡轮航班会穿越宁静优美的印洲塘,渡轮只限于星期日及公众假期提供服务。游客可乘搭港铁东铁线到大学站,从B 出口步行15 分钟至马料水三号梯台乘搭渡轮,航程约为1小时30分。
马料水开出:上午9 时正 (星期日及公众假期)
荔枝窝开出:下午3 时30分 (星期日及公众假期)
费用:单程$50元正;来回$80元正 (以营办商公布为准)
渡轮服务查询电话: 2555 9269 (声威实业有限公司)
20R专线小巴由大埔墟港铁站开出前往至乌蛟腾 (查询电话:2873 6808)。
56K专线小巴则来往粉岭港铁站和鹿颈 (查询电话:2673 3626)。

该岛位于远古粮船湾超级火山口内,东南沿岸的陡崖高140米,是全香港最高的海崖,展现了火山凝灰岩的柱状节理的形状。 而海蚀洞沙塘口洞的瓮缸湾是最狭窄,仅5米阔,高约25米,深度约80米。
56K专线小巴则来往粉岭港铁站和鹿颈 (查询电话:2673 3626)。

东平洲开出:星期六、日下午5时15分(查询电话:2527 2513)。
大家是不是已经坐不下来了? 是不是很想探索香港这不为人知的一面呢?

2C Campaign
1. I would suggest making a lottery. After people bought RMB$2000 at supermarkets or shopping malls in Guangzhou, they are able to join a lottery. The winner can get two beat ship cruise tickets
Objective: Target to grow followers from Guangzhou who are interested in beat ship and to increase the public awareness of the brand.
Firstly, we need to find several event sponsorships or cooperators (like supermarkets and shopping malls) Then, it is necessary to write a press release for the company and hold a press conference to spread out this activity if possible(arrange representatives from Guangzhou and Hong Kong Tourism Board.) Then, writing an article on WeChat to attract new followers from Guangzhou and announce the promotion that when they go shopping in particular supermarkets or malls, they may have a chance to win the tickets. It is possible to cooperate with Guangzhou and Hong Kong Tourism Board. When they launch TV promotion of Hong Kong, the beat boat’s promotion can be added into the promotion. After that, it can get a positive feedback from the public.